Book Chapter published in International Organizations and Global Development
Maria Cullen contributes: The politicization of development: Oxfam and the idea of a rights-based humanitarian action in the Salvadoran refugee camps in Honduras during the 1980s
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Journal Article based on the Elizabeth Wilson Collection of the Humanitarian Archive
New article published by Bertrand Taithe in the latest issue of Dynamis: Caring for the world: Geography, Religious Cosmovision and Encounters, Elizabeth Wilson’s ‘actionist’ career, 1943-1990’
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Humanitarian Medicine and Organizations
Encyclopedia entry to the Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society by PI Professor Taithe on Humanitarian Medicine and Organizations. Offering more than 700 entries across 20 sub-disciplines, this encyclopedia represents the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and international reference work on all aspects of the social scientific study of health and illness.
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