Student Visit to the Humanitarian Archive

30 of HCRI’s LEAP students were introduced to the work of the Special Collections department, and to the background for the Humanitarian Archive, and were shown some items from the archive’s existing collections: the Jonathan Falla Collection, the Elizabeth Wilson Collection, the Ron Ockwell Papers and the British Medical Team in Saigon Collection. After this, there was time for the students to look closer at the archives, and to ask questions, which lead to a short discussion about how the archive brings in collections, where from, and how records that are being created and used today can become archives in the future.

The LEAP programme in Humanitarian Practice is a flexible master’s course designed by humanitarians for humanitarians, allowing study alongside working in the field. Crossing traditional subject boundaries, the programme enables students to reflect critically on issues arising from their work, the wider humanitarian agenda and develop the skillset needed for today’s humanitarian practitioners. Find out more on the LEAP website.