Prof Nicolas Dodier
Nicolas Dodier is a sociologist, director of research at the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) and professor at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. His previous research has focused mainly on the world of work (Les hommes et les machines, 1995), the medical world (L'expertise médicale, 1993; Leçons politiques de l'épidémie de sida, 2003), and on modes of reparation for collective disasters (with Janine Barbot: Des victimes en procès, 2023). More recently, he has launched an investigation into humanitarian surgery.

Prof Joël Glasman
Joël Glasman is Professor at the University of Bayreuth (Germany), where he teaches African history and global history. His work focuses on the history of the state in Africa, the history of statistics and humanitarian action. His book Minimal Humanity. Humanitarianism and the Quantification of Human Needs’ (Routledge, London 2020) looks at the history of the notion of “humanitarian need”, a category that emerged in the 20th century as a crossroads of humanitarian knowledge. His latest book, Petit manuel d'autodéfense à l'usage des volontaires. Les humanités humanitaires’ (Les Belles Lettre, Paris 2023), is a synthesis of work in sociology, anthropology and the history of humanitarian aid. The aim is to provide researchers and practitioners with knowledge derived from critical academic research.

Dr Marion Pechayre
Over fifteen years’ experience in the field of humanitarian action including recently 3 years as MSF France Head of Mission in Malawi, Marion is currently Director of Studies at the CRASH and coordinator of the team; she has been in leadership positions at field and HQ levels with Solidarites International; she taught at Sciences Po Paris, University of Manchester; School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. She holds a PhD in Development Studies from SOAS, an MSc in Conflict, Security and Development Studies, King’s College London and an MSc in International Management from ESCP Business School.

Prof Silvia Salvaticci
Silvia earned the PhD in Historical Sciences from the Higher School of Historical Studies of the University of San Marino (1995) and the PhD in Family History and of Gender Identity at the Oriental University Institute of Naples (1997). She was in service first as assistant professor and then as associate professor at the University of Teramo, and in 2015 she joined the University of Milan. Since November 2021 she's full professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Florence. She was Honorary Research Fellow at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology of Birkbeck College, Associate Research Fellow at the Italian Academy at Columbia University and Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute (Department of History and Civilization). She was Susan Currier Visiting Professor for Teaching Excellence in Gender and Humanitarianism, College of Liberal Arts, California Polytechnic State University.